Author Archives For 'PATRICK COOK-DEEGAN'


How to Help Teens Find Purpose

by Patrick Cook-Deegan

Feb 16, 2018
268,384 reads

Seven Ways to Help High Schoolers Find Purpose

by Patrick Cook-Deegan

Dec 12, 2017
47,138 reads

How to Forge a Mentoring Relationship

by Patrick Cook-Deegan

May 22, 2015
27,866 reads

Seven Ways to Help High Schoolers Find Purpose

by Patrick Cook-Deegan

Feb 01, 2016
11,571 reads

Eight Tips for Fostering Mindfulness in Teenagers

by Patrick Cook-Deegan

Mar 15, 2019
10,924 reads

Quote Bulletin

It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that makes happiness.
Charles Spurgeon

Search by keyword: Happiness, Wisdom, Work, Science, Technology, Meditation, Joy, Love, Success, Education, Relationships, Life
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