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... posted on May 18 2003, 1,993 reads


... posted on Sep 08 2002, 1,537 reads


In 1957, when economist John Galbraith described the United States as The Affluent Society, the average per-person income, expressed in today's dollars, was 8 thousand. Today, the figure is 16 thousand. In spite of that doubling in real income, the number of people who are "very happy" has declined from 35% in 1957 to 30% today.... posted on Aug 24 2002, 1,217 reads


The rubber tread on the huge wheel was worn, but the humble unicycle tire took Lutheran pastor Lars Clausen across America in his effort to help the Eskimos to whom he once ministered. On a journey that has raised 250 thousand dollars thus far, and will get him into the Guinness Book of World Records, Lars has finally reached the statue of Liberty and is now headed back westward. ... posted on Aug 21 2002, 1,196 reads


Learning comedy may not make you a star, but it may give you better people skills.
... posted on Jun 18 2002, 1,409 reads


... posted on May 05 2002, 2,019 reads


75 to 90% of all visits to primary care physicians result from stress-related disorders. (Paul Rosch, M.D., President, American Institute of Stress)... posted on Apr 24 2002, 1,157 reads


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There's no question dolphins are smarter than humans as they play more.
Albert Einstein

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