Author Archives For 'NIPUN MEHTA'


Miserable & Magical: A Graduation Speech for Paradoxical Times

by Nipun Mehta

May 27, 2013
549,664 reads

Paths Are Made By Walking

by Nipun Mehta

May 14, 2012
395,692 reads

If You Want To Be a Rebel, Be Kind

by Nipun Mehta

Nov 29, 2011
166,493 reads

The Radical Power of Humility

by Nipun Mehta

Jul 07, 2015
117,019 reads

Impact: Bill Gates & Mother Teresa

by Nipun Mehta

Jan 07, 2013
74,388 reads

Finding Nimo: Rap Star's Journey with 16 Slum Kids

by Nipun Mehta

May 04, 2012
60,421 reads

Would Gandhi Use Social Media?

by Nipun Mehta

Feb 21, 2012
55,080 reads

Unlocking Multiple Forms of Wealth

by Nipun Mehta

Apr 19, 2016
51,951 reads

#MakeVirtueViral: A Graduation Speech for Uncertain Times

by Nipun Mehta

May 31, 2016
49,581 reads

The Spirit of Service

by Nipun Mehta

Mar 07, 2014
46,188 reads

Arun Dada and Mira Ba

by Nipun Mehta

Nov 27, 2014
36,383 reads

When Generosity Meets Venture Capital

by Nipun Mehta

Nov 14, 2011
34,273 reads

Can We Create Social Change Without Money?

by Nipun Mehta

Oct 28, 2015
32,978 reads

Everybody Is Good At Something: Meeting V. R. Ferose

by Nipun Mehta

May 27, 2015
28,252 reads

Graduation: A Song & Speech for the Ages

by Nimo Patel, Nipun Mehta

May 04, 2017
27,410 reads

Algorithms & Love: Dancing with the Creative Tension of Our Times

by Nipun Mehta

Aug 17, 2017
21,869 reads

From Sharing Economy To Gift Ecology

by Nipun Mehta

Jan 22, 2015
21,695 reads

"I Teach To Learn": Compassion In Education

by Nipun Mehta

Aug 14, 2015
20,341 reads

12 Questions Around Volunteerism

by Nipun Mehta

Jan 12, 2017
19,586 reads

Wings of Love

by Nipun Mehta

Oct 09, 2012
18,883 reads

Embrace the Grace, Celebrate the Infinite

by Nipun Mehta

Jun 11, 2018
14,767 reads

Ani Choying: Gratitude and Service

by Nipun Mehta

Nov 20, 2017
10,633 reads

Giving Away A Billion Dollars -- Or Not

by Nipun Mehta

Jul 28, 2017
10,044 reads

#heartivism: Gently Shaking The World

by Nipun Mehta

Feb 02, 2023
9,378 reads

Quote Bulletin

Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for kindness.

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